We did it!

From the flicker of an idea after an industry roundtable with Trade and Investment Queensland in September last year (thanks to Anthony Christensen and Paul Martyn), to the official launch at Parliament House today (thanks to The Hon. Mick de Brenni), the idea of the Advanced Materials and Battery Council has persisted and now is registered and determined to lead the development of an advanced materials and battery sector in Australia. So many people to thank on this journey so far. First, thanks to the Founding Members, the Centre for Policy Futures, UQCraig Nicol from Graphene Manufacturing Group and Lee Finniear from Li-S Energy for backing the idea of the AMBC from the start. Second, thanks to the CEO’s and Directors of companies who have joined the AMBC because they want to commercialise and manufacture in Australia for global markets, applying the great technologies from our local universities. For Alpha HPAEverledgerLava Blue LimitedMagnis Energy TechnologiesProhelion #, QEM Limited (ASX:QEM)Queensland Pacific MetalsRedEarth Energy Storage LtdRedflowVaultaVecco Group and VSPC Ltd, now we hunt together for the policies to support manufacturing in Australia.